It’s Halloween! Tonight, drivers will have to deal with scary monsters, demons, and clowns. And that’s just on the highways! Seriously though, with Halloween falling on a weeknight, commuters will be driving home as daylight fades and as kids are heading out to trick or treat.

Here are some tips to make sure this Halloween is fun and safe for everyone.

Get home earlier. With Halloween being a school night, kids will likely start trick or treating right around sunset, which should be just after 6pm tonight – right in the thick of the evening commute. If you can, head out a bit early to get home between 5 and 5:30. That will get you home with daylight, and great visibility.


Stay alert and park the phone! With less light fr your evening commute and deer running into traffic all over the area, this time of year already demands your full attention behind the wheel. Tonight, kids will be crossing the street in places you’re not used to seeing them. They’ll be excited to get from house to house quickly and may be wearing masks that keep them from seeing cars. It’s important for drivers to be extra cautious and to eliminate all distractions.

Be patient. It’s going to be chilly tonight. Some parents may choose to follow their trick or treaters in a warm car, rather than walking with them, so you may encounter some slow moving cars in neighborhoods. If you pass one of these escort cars, make sure to do it cautiously and watch for kids.

Be seen! Parents, help make it easier on drivers to see you and your trick or treaters! Add glow sticks to costumes or candy bags, wear reflective clothing, or turn on the flash light on your cell phone…anything to help drivers see you.

Don’t Drink and Drive! While most Halloween parties happened this past weekend, some restaurants and bars have Halloween events scheduled tonight. If you choose to attend a Halloween event tonight, you probably won’t be home in time for trick or treating. However, you do need to get home safely…especially if you’ve had a few drinks. Please call a cab, an Uber, or a friend to get home if you’ve been drinking!


Have a safe and happy Halloween!

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